Unit Test #25

Select your answers to the following 10 questions from the pop-up menus in the right hand column. Clicking the "Begin Test Again" button will clear all the answers.





A rotation of 90°, centre O followed by another rotation
of 90°, centre O is equivalent to:
A. a rotation of 90°
B. a reflection
C. a rotation of 180°
D. a translation

Answer 1:





A reflection in a mirror line followed by another reflection 
in a PARALLEL mirror line is equivalent to:
A. a reflection
B. a rotation 
C. a translation
D. an enlargement

Answer 2:





An enlargement with scale factor 2 is followed by another 
enlargement of scale factor 3. 
What would be the scale factor of the combined transformation?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 36
D. 9

Answer 3:





What would be the angle of rotation of the combined rotation formed by a rotation of 45° aboutO, followed by a rotation of -60°about O? A. -15°
B. 105°
C. 15°
D. -105°

Answer 4:





A translation of  followedby a translation of  is equivalent to a translation of: A.

Answer 5:





An object of area 10cm2 is enlarged by a scale factor of 2. This image is then enlarged again by scale factor of 2. 
What is the area of the final image?
A. 20 cm2
B. 40 cm2
C. 160 cm2
D. 200 cm2

Answer 6:





Two reflections in perpendicular mirror lines result in: A. a reflection
B. a rotation
C. a translation
D. an enlargement

Answer 7:





Two consecutive rotations about the same point result in: A. a reflection
B. a rotation
C. a translation
D. an enlargement

Answer 8:





Two enlargements about the same point result in: A. a reflection
B. a rotation
C. a translation
D. an enlargement

Answer 9:





Two translations result in: A. a reflection
B. a rotation
C. a translation
D. an enlargement

Answer 10: