Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers

Complex numbers can be multiplied together and divided just like other types of numbers.

Multiplying Complex Numbers

The multiplication of complex numbers is similar to expanding brackets in a quadratic. The i2 term is then replaced with -1.


If h = 3 + 4i and j = 1 + 6i

h.j = (3 + 4i)(1 + 6i)

    = 3 + 18i + 4i + 24i2

    = 3 + 22i + 24(-1)

    = 3 + 22i – 24

    = -21 + 22i

Dividing Complex Numbers

The division of complex numbers is similar to the rationalisation of a denominator in a fraction containing surds.
The algebraic fraction formed by the division is multiplied by a fraction containing the conjugate of the denominator.


If s = 2 + 5i and t = 3 + 4i


Note that the answer to this type of problem is left in rectangular form, a + bi.