Unit Test #21

Select your answers to the following 10 questions from the pop-up menus in the right hand column. Clicking the "Begin Test Again" button will clear all the answers.




A line which just touches a circle is called a: A. chord
B. segment
C. arc
D. tangent

Answer 1:





The size of the angle marked x is:

A. 90°
B. 67°
C. 23°
D. 113°

Answer 2:





What type of triangle is ABC?

A. scalene
B. isosceles
C. equilateral
D. obtuse-angled

Answer 3:





In the circle in question 3, what is the size of angle ABC?



A. 97°
B. 41.5°
C. 83°
D. 194°

Answer 4:





In question 3, what name is given to line AC? A. diameter
B. chord
C. diameter
D. radius

Answer 5:






The value of x is:
A. 62°
B. 90°
C. 28°
D. 56°

Answer 6:





In the diagram in question 6, what is the value of y? A. 62°
B. 90°
C. 28°
D. 56°

Answer 7:





In the diagram in question 6, what is the value of z? A. 62°
B. 90°
C. 28°
D. 56°

Answer 8:





What is the value of x?

A. 53°
B. 47°
C. 90°
D. 127°

Answer 9:





In the diagram in question 9, what is the value of z?



A. 53°
B. 37°
C. 90°
D. 127°

Answer 10:



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