ClockBase_9.jpgFractions, decimals and percentages are all ways of expressing numbers. Each can be converted from one to another.

Click for a  of commonly used percentages, decimals and fractions.




Methods of Conversion

Fractions to Decimals

To convert a fraction into a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.


34 = 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75

212 = 52 = 5 ÷ 2 = 2.5


Decimals to Fractions


To convert a decimal into a fraction, put the digits after the decimal point as the numerator, and put 10, 100, 1000 ... (depending on the number of decimal places) as the denominator. 
Then simplify the fraction whenever possible.


0.4 = 410 = 25

0.75 = 75100 = 34

Decimals to Percentages To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100.

This is done by moving the decimal point two places to the right.

0.25 = 0.25 × 100% = 25%

1.625 = 1.625 × 100% = 162.5%

Percentages to Decimals

To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide the percentage by 100.

This is done by moving the decimal point two places to the left.

35% = 35 ÷ 100 = 0.35

6% = 6 ÷ 100 = 0.06

Fractions to Percentages To convert a fraction to a percentage, multipy the fraction by 100.

14 = 14 × 100% = 25%

98 = 98 × 100% = 112.5%

Percentages to Fractions

To convert a percentage to a fraction, divide the percentage by 100.

30% = 30100 = 310

150% = 150100 = 32


Try this activity to practice converting between decimals, fractions and percentages.



Divide numerator by denominator
Multiply by 100
Put over 10, 100 or 1000...
Multiply by 100
Divide by 100
Divide by 100

For help checking your decimal <---> fraction conversions: Y9_Conversions_10.gif

Conversions by Calculator

Using a typical scientific calculator.

Fractions to Decimals Change 316 to a decimal


Y9_Conversions_12.gif Y9_Conversions_13.gif Y9_Conversions_31.gif Y9_Conversions_14.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif 0.1875


Y9_Conversions_25.gif Y9_Conversions_16.gif Y9_Conversions_31.gif Y9_Conversions_14.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif Y9_Conversions_16.gif 0.1875



Decimals to Fractions


Change 0.56 to a fraction

Y9_Conversions_17.gif Y9_Conversions_18.gif Y9_Conversions_19.gif Y9_Conversions_14.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif Y9_Conversions_16.gif 14/25

Decimals to Percentages

Change 0.45 to a percentage

Y9_Conversions_22.gif Y9_Conversions_18.gif Y9_Conversions_20.gif Y9_Conversions_19.gif Y9_Conversions_21.gif Y9_Conversions_31.gif Y9_Conversions_22.gif Y9_Conversions_17.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif 45

Percentages to Decimals

Change 83% to a decimal

Y9_Conversions_27.gif Y9_Conversions_25.gif Y9_Conversions_13.gif Y9_Conversions_31.gif Y9_Conversions_22.gif Y9_Conversions_22.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif 0.83

Fractions to Percentages Change 1925 to a percentage Y9_Conversions_31.gif Y9_Conversions_30.gif Y9_Conversions_13.gif Y9_Conversions_26.gif Y9_Conversions_19.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif Y9_Conversions_21.gif Y9_Conversions_31.gif Y9_Conversions_22.gif Y9_Conversions_22.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif 76

Percentages to Fractions

Change 74% to a fraction Y9_Conversions_28.gif Y9_Conversions_20.gif Y9_Conversions_13.gif Y9_Conversions_31.gif Y9_Conversions_22.gif Y9_Conversions_17.gif Y9_Conversions_15.gif Y9_Conversions_16.gif 37/50