Two or more transformations can be combined. If transformation A is followed by transformation B this is written B o A, this reads B follows A.


Two reflections
Two rotations
Two enlargements
Two translations


Two reflections

A reflection in one mirror line followed by a reflection in a parallel mirror line results in a translation of twice the distance between the mirror lines.

e.g. A Y10_Combined_Transformations_01.gifA ´´ under a reflection in m followed by a reflection in n.

Y10_Combined_Transformations_01.gif A ´´ is a translation of Y10_Combined_Transformations_02.gif



Two rotations

A rotation about a point of x° followed by a second rotation of y° about the same point, results in a rotation of (x + y)° about the point.





Rotation 1: A Y10_Combined_Transformations_01.gif A´

followed by

Rotation 2: A´ Y10_Combined_Transformations_01.gif A´´ 

Combined rotation: A Y10_Combined_Transformations_01.gif A´´


Two enlargements

An enlargement with scale factor k1, followed by an enlagement with scale factor k2 , gives a combined enlargement with scale factor k1 x k2.

Two translations

A translation of Y10_Combined_Transformations_05.gif followed by a translation of Y10_Combined_Transformations_06.gif gives a combined translation of Y10_Combined_Transformations_07.gif

i.e. It is a vector addition.