1. Copy each diagram and rotate the shapes around the point O by the angle indicated.

a. Rotate by -90o (clockwise)

b. Rotate by 180°

c. Rotate by 90o (anti-clockwise)

d. Rotate by -90o (anti-clockwise)


2. Copy each diagram and rotate the shapes around the point O by the angle indicated. And label the image, A' , B' etc.

a. Rotate ABCD by an angle of 90°

b. Rotate ABC by an angle of 180°

3. For the equilateral triangle shown:

a. What would be the image of A under a rotation of 120° clockwise with a centre of rotation of O?

b. What would be the positive angles of rotation, with centre O, that would map:

(i) C onto B?
(ii) B onto C?

4. ABCA´B´ C´  under a rotation of 90°about centre of rotation, A.

(a) Name an invariant point.

(b) Complete AB  ....................

(c) ABC  ....................

(d) What rotation would map A´B´ C´  to ABC

5. Copy the diagram and rotate the rectangle ABCD about point A through an angle of rotation 180°.
Label the images A´B´C´D´.