Unit Test #25

Select your answers to the following 10 questions from the pop-up menus in the right hand column. Clicking the "Begin Test Again" button will clear all the answers.





Under a translation, which properties of a shape are invariant, i.e. Do not change. A. The area of the shape
B. The angles in the shape
C. The length of the sides of the
D. All of the above

Answer 1:





The number of invariant points under a translation is: A. 1
B. 0
C. infinite
D. 2

Answer 2:





Under a translation, the object and the image are A. different
B. opposite
C. congruent
D. corresponding

Answer 3:





What is the image of point D under the translation that maps ABCD to PQRS?

A. S 
B. C
C. P
D. R

Answer 4:





Which vector would represent the translation that maps ABCD to PQRS in the diagram above? A. 

Answer 5:





A square of side 2 units has its centre at the point 
(0, 0). 
If it is translated by , which of the following points would be one of its corners?
A. (5, 6)
B. (4, 5)
C. (4, 4)
D. (6, 3)

Answer 6:





Under a translation, a line and its image are: A. perpendicular
B. parallel
C. concurrent
D. collinear

Answer 7:





The name of the transformation that maps ORTS to O'R'T''S' is
A. translation
B. enlargement
C. reflection
D. rotation

Answer 8:





In the translation represented by the vector  the 3 represents: A. vertical movement
B. horizontal movement
C. diagonal movement
D. total movement

Answer 9:





A point B is translated by 
The distance between B and its image B' is
A. 4 units
B. 5 units
C. 7 units
D. 8 units

Answer 10: