Displaying Statistics


graphs, such as pictographs, column graphs and pie graphs can be drawn to illustrate statistical data.

the frequency is the number of times each score, event or measurement occurs. frequencies are shown in a table in which information or data is arranged in order. from frequency tables, bar graphs and histograms can be drawn.

a time series graph is a line graph of repeated measurements taken over regular time intervals. time series graphs help to show trends or patterns.

Key Skills

  • draw statistical graph from tables of data.
  • interpret statistical graphs.
  • make a frequency table from a set of data.
  • draw a bar graph or a histogram from a frequency table.
  • read information from a bar graph or histogram.
  • draw a time series graph from data.
  • read values and identify trends and patterns from time series graphs.
Vocabulary data, pictographs, column graphpie chart, sector graphbar graphfrequency, ungrouped data, grouped data, histogram, time series, trend.