1. a. Sketch a diagram of each of the following shapes:

(i) Isosceles trapezium
(ii) Regular hexagon
(iii) Rectangle
(iv) Parallelogram

b. On the diagrams, sketch in any axes of symmetry.
c. What is the order of rotational symmetry of each shape?
d. What is the total order of symmetry of the shapes

2. How many axes of symmetry do the following shapes have?




3. Name two types of quadrilaterals that have point (180°) symmetry.

4. ABCD has point symmetry about O.


(a) Complete AB →..................

(b) Complete DO →..................

(c) Complete ∠BDC →................

(d) Name two congruent triangles.

(e) Name a line parallel to BC.




5. The figure has order of rotational symmetry of 2. m and n are axes of symmetry.


(a) Find the values of a, b, c, d, e, f and g.

(b) Name three line segments congruent to AF.

(c) Name a pair of parallel lines.



6. Draw a small tessellation, if possible, involving the following shapes:


