1. Find the volumes of the following solids:


a. Cuboid


c.    Composite solid



b. Square-based Pyramid

d.   Triangular prism





2.A cuboid measures 5.5 m by 4.5 m by 0.5 m.

(a) Find its volume in m3.

(b) Change its lengths to centimetres and find its volume in cm3.

(c) If the cuboid was hollow, how many litres of water would it take to fill it?


3. Find the volume of the solid shown below.

4. An open-topped, rectangular water tank is 3 m long,, 20 cm wide and 40 cm high.

What is the volume of the tank in m3?

5. Find the volume of the following solid. It is hollow right through.




6. A swimming pool is shown in the diagram (the measurements are the inside of the pool).

a. Find the volume of the pool in cubic metres.

b. How many litres of water would it take to fill the pool?

c. If water was filling the pool at a rate of 100, 000 litres per hour, how many minutes would it take to fill the pool?